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It's always worthwhile asking other Pilots on the hill for their opinion about flying but remember you are the pilot in command so ultimately you decide



  • Video your flight so you can review what went well, not so good or other decisions you might have made. I have found this useful for post flight review with my CFI, Coaches and flying buddies. Take care where you mount cameras to not snag lines .I use a chest mount.

  • Use a vario or kobo to create an igc log and review with doarama where you went how you climbed

  • Try and get buddies to video your take offs and landings to review and resolve problems

Here are some of my top tips from my first year:


  • Study the forecast, webcams, rasp, call, text, message, facebook some of your buddies who might go out

  • If it's 50/50 I will usually go and have a look

  • If other pilots are around ask their opinion sometimes pilots congregate  at "sniffing" points

  • Turn in lift and stick with it especially on an ENA

  • Build up your mental and physical tolerance to flying



  • Consider guided holidays or post CP courses. Knowing you have a retrieve will encourage you to leave the hill. Guides may assist you with take offs, thermalling, landing approaches, etc.

  • Flying with other pilots on a trip is a good way to compare why you did better or worse

  • Don't be disheartened with short flights many of my early flights were 2 or 3 mins but all involved a survivable take off and landing

  • Set goals for each flight refer to Pilot Tasks and 50 ways to fly better


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